Research Interests

I am interested in the adaptive function of behaviour, with emphasis on social behaviour and alternative reproductive and behavioural tactics.

Virtually each behaviour is social in essence; it affects the survival, production and reproduction of others in some way or another. At the same time, individuals inevitably compete for resources. They may succeed by ‘racing’ to outcompete others, by ‘fighting’ for privileged access, or by ‘sharing’ their efforts and gains1. The latter may involve cooperation and altruism, which Charles Darwin considered as one of the most important test cases for his theory of evolution by natural selection. Nevertheless, a few simple selection mechanisms can generate evolutionarily stable levels of cooperation2. Among social organisations found in nature, cooperative breeders provide a unique opportunity to study alternative selection mechanisms underlying altruistic behaviour3.

Natural populations often comprise alternative behavioural phenotypes. Examples include alternative reproductive tactics and consistent behavioural types, also referred to as ‘animal personalities’. This is intriguing because it is often assumed that there is only one optimal solution to a problem, which should be produced by natural selection. But individuals vary in many respects, including their personal history, state, condition, quality, and opportunities4. The means to outcompete others in the rat race for resources includes the production of signals, which can be of morphological or behavioural origin. Remarkably, individuals may actively alter their environment to create ‘extended phenotype signals’, which have many advantages over bodily attributes5.

If we are interested in the evolution of the pinnacle of social organisation, eusociality, where many individuals in a population forfeit reproduction lifelong, intermediate stages in the transition towards such ‘reproductive altruism’ should be in focus. Fungus cultivating beetles represent one of three highly social insect lineages relying on agriculture, without having gone all the way to lifelong reproductive abstinence. Hence they constitute an ideal model for the study of mechanisms underlying this ultimate level of cooperation6. When pondering on mechanisms, one should be clear about the explanatory level on target. For a full comprehension of the evolution of behaviour we need to understand both, the adaptive value of a trait and its underlying physiological and genetic mechanisms. Only an integrative approach toward behaviour will be geared for answering encompassing questions7.

For information on our questions, study systems, approaches and results within this framework please click on the numbered links (1-7) above.


Research topics


>225 publications in peer reviewed scientific journals and books; 6 authored and edited books and special journal issues
Google Scholar Profile

Josi, D., Heg, D., Takeyama, T., Bonfils, D., Konovalov, D.A., Frommen, J.G., Kohda, M., Taborsky, M. (2021). Age- and sex-dependent variation in relatedness corresponds to reproductive skew, territory inheritance, and workload in cooperatively breeding cichlids. Evolution (2021) [PDF]

Josi, D., Flury J.M., Reyes-Contreras, M., Tanaka, H., Taborsky, M., Frommen, J.G. (2021). Sex-specific routes to independent breeding in a polygynous cooperative breeder. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9:750483 [PDF]

Paulsson, N.I., Taborsky, M. (2021). Reaching out for inaccessible food is a potential begging signal in cooperating wild-type Norway rats, Rattus norvegicus. Front. Psychol. 12:712333 [link] [PDF]

Freudiger, A., Josi, D., Thünken, T., Herder, F., Flury, J.M., Marques, D.A., Taborsky, M., Frommen, J.G. (2021). Ecological variation drives morphological differentiation in a highly social vertebrate. Functional Ecology 2021, 1-16 [PDF]

Nuotclà, J. A., Diehl, J.M.C, Taborsky,M. (2021). Habitat quality determines dispersal decisions and fitness in a beetle – fungus mutualism. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9: 232 [PDF]

Kettler, N., Schweinfurth, M. K., Taborsky, M. (2021). Rats show direct reciprocity when interacting with multiple partners. Scientific Reports 11: 3228 [PDF]

Taborsky, M., Cant, M.A., Komdeur, J. (2021). The Evolution of Social Behaviour. Cambridge University Press [link]

Jordan, L.A., Taborsky, B., Taborsky, M. (2021). Cichlids as a model system for studying social behaviour and evolution. In: “The Behavior, Ecology and Evolution of Cichlid Fishes: A Contemporary Modern Synthesis”. Springer Academic (in press) [link] [PDF]

Gerber, N., Schweinfurth, M. K., Taborsky, M. (2020). The smell of cooperation: rats increase helpful behaviour when receiving odour cues of a conspecific performing a cooperative task. Proc. Roy. Soc. B 287: 20202327 [PDF]

Josi, D., Freudiger, A., Taborsky, M., Frommen, J.G. 2020. Experimental predator intrusions in a cooperative breeder reveal threat-dependent task partitioning. Behav.Ecol. 1-10. doi:10.1093/beheco/araa094 [PDF]

Naef, J. Taborsky, M. 2020. Punishment controls helper defence against egg predators but not fish predators in cooperatively breeding cichlids. Animal Behaviour 168:137-147 [PDF]

Durrer, L., Taborsky, M., Frommen, J. G. 2020. Group-sized preferences in a shoaling cichlid. Behaviour 157:415-431 [PDF]

Schneeberger, K., Röder, G., Taborsky, M. 2020. The smell of hunger: Norway rats provision social partners based on odour cues of need. PLoS Biol 18(3): e3000628 [PDF]

Naef, J., Taborsky, M. 2020. Commodity-specific punishment for experimentally induced defection in cooperatively breeding fish. R. Soc. Open Sci. 7: 191808 [PDF] [Featured in "The Economist"]

Josi, D., Taborsky, M., Frommen, J.G. 2020. Investment of group members is contingent on helper number and the presence of young in a cooperative breeder. Anim. Behav. 160: 35-42. [PDF]

Schneeberger, K., Taborsky, M. 2020. The role of sensory ecology and cognition in social decisions: Costs of acquiring information matter. Funct. Ecol. 34: 302-309 [PDF]

Engelhardt, S.C., Taborsky, M. 2020. Broad definitions of enforcement are unhelpful for understanding evolutionary mechanisms of cooperation. Nat. Ecol. Evol. 4(3) 322-322 [PDF]

Taborsky, M., Riebli, T. (2020). Coaction vs. Reciprocal cooperation among unrelated individuals in social cichlids. Front. Ecol. Evol. 7: 515. [PDF]

Schweinfurth, M.K., Taborsky, M. (2020). Rats play tit-for-tat instead of integrating social experience over multiple interactions. Proc. R. Soc. B 287: 20192423. [PDF] [UniBe press release]


For pdf-files of publications before 2020 please click this link (webarchive)

Nuotclà, J. A., Biedermann P. H. W., Taborsky, M. (2019) Pathogen defence is a potential driver of social evolution in ambrosia beetles. Proc. R. Soc. B 286: 20192332 [pdf] [UniBe press release] [PNAS Selected highlight]

Range F., Kassis A., Taborsky M., Boada M. & Marshall-Pescini S. (2019) Wolves and dogs recruit human partners in the cooperative stringpulling task. Sci. Rep. 9: 17591 [pdf]

Taborsky M., Koblmüller S., Sefc K.M., McGee M., Kohda M., Awata S., Hori M. & Frommen J.G. (2019) Insufficient data render comparative analyses of the evolution of cooperative breeding mere speculation: A reply to Dey et al. Ethology 125: 851-854 [pdf]

Schweinfurth, M.K., Aeschbacher, J., Santi, M. & Taborsky, M. (2019). Male Norway rats cooperate according to direct but not generalized reciprocity rules. Anim. Behav. 152: 93-101 [pdf

Jungwirth A., Balzarini V., Zöttl M., Salzmann A., Taborsky M. & Frommen J.G. (2019) Long-term individual marking of small freshwater fish: the utility of Visual Implant Elastomer tags. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 73: 49 [pdf]/li>

Taborsky, M. (2019) From Ethology to Behavioral Biology. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. 99-102 [pdf]

Gfrerer, N., Taborsky, M. & Würbel, H. (2019) No evidence for detrimental effect of chemical castration on working ability in Swiss military dogs. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 211: 84-87. [pdf]

Josi D., Taborsky M. & Frommen J.G. (2019) First field evidence for alloparental egg care in cooperatively breeding fish. Ethology 125: 164-169 [pdf]

Josi D., Taborsky M. & Frommen J.G. (2018) Habitat preferences depend on substrate quality in a cooperative breeder. Evol. Ecol. Res. 19: 517-527 [pdf]

Engelhardt, S.C., Kingma, S.A., Taborsky, M. (2018) No evidence for a heritable altruism polymorphism in Tibetan ground tits. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 115: E11208-E11209 [pdf]

Tanaka H., Frommen J.G., Koblmüller S., Sefc K.M., McGee M., Kohda M., Awata S., Hori M. & Taborsky M. (2018) Evolutionary transitions to cooperative societies in fishes revisited. Ethology 124: 777–789. [pdf]

Taborsky, M., Schütz, D., Goffinet, O. & van Doorn, G.S (2018) Alternative male morphs solve sperm performance/longevity trade-off in opposite directions. Sci. Adv. 4(5) eaap8563 [pdf] Schweinfurth M.K. & Taborsky M. (2018) Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) communicate need which elicits donation of food. J. Comp. Psychol. 132, 119–129 [pdf] [Featured article of the Month]

Gfrerer, N. &Taborsky, M. (2018) Working dogs transfer different tasks in reciprocal cooperation. Biol. Lett. 14(2), 20170460 [pdf] [Highlighted by PNAS, pdf]

Schweinfurth M.K. & Taborsky M. (2018) Relatedness decreases and reciprocity increases cooperation in Norway rats. Proc. R. Soc. B 285: 20180035 [pdf]

Schweinfurth, M.K. & Taborsky, M., (2018) Reciprocal trading of different commodities in Norway rats. Curr. Biol. 28, 594–599[pdf]

Stieger, B., Schweinfurth, M.K. & Taborsky, M. (2017): Reciprocal allogrooming among unrelated Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) is affected by previously received cooperative, affiliative and aggressive behaviours. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol., 71(12),182 [pdf]

Gfrerer, N., Taborsky, M. and Würbel, H. (2017) Benefits of intraspecific social exposure in adult Swiss military dogs. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci.201,54-60 [pdf]

Schweinfurth, M.K., Taborsky, M. (2017): The transfer of alternative tasks in reciprocal cooperation. Anim. Behav. 131: 35-41 [pdf]

Schmid, R., Schneeberger, K., Taborsky, M. (2017): Feel good, do good? Disentangling reciprocity from unconditional prosociality. Ethology: 123(9), 640-647 [pdf]

Schweinfurth, M. K., Stieger, B. Taborsky, M. (2017): Experimental evidence for reciprocity in allogrooming among wild-type Norway rats. Sci. Rep. 7: 4010 [pdf]

Schweinfurth, M. K., Neuenschwander, J., Engqvist, L., Schneeberger, K., Rentsch, A. K., Gygax, M., Taborsky, M. (2017): Do female Norway rats form social bonds? Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 71: 98 [pdf]

Dolivo, V., Taborsky, M. (2017): Environmental enrichment of young adult rats (Rattus norvegicus) in different sensory modalities has long-lasting effects on their ability to learn via specific sensory channels. J. Comp. Psychol. 131(2), 79 [pdf]

Engqvist, L., Taborsky, M. (2017): The evolution of strategic male mating effort in an information transfer framework. J. Evol. Biol.  30(6), 1143-1152 [pdf]

Gfrerer, N., Taborsky, M. (2017): Working dogs cooperate among one another by generalised reciprocity. Sci. Rep. 7: 43867 [pdf]

Schütz, D., Tschirren, L., Pachler, G., Grubbauer, P., Taborsky, M. (2017): Sperm-limited males save ejaculates for future matings when competing with superior rivals. Anim. Behav. 125: 3-12 [pdf]

Balzarini, V., Taborsky, M., Villa F., Frommen J.G. (2017): Computer animations of color markings reveal the function of visual threat signals in Neolamprologus pulcher. Curr. Zool. 63: 45–54 [pdf]

Bayani, D.-M., Taborsky, M., Frommen, J.G. (2017): To pee or not to pee: urine signals mediate aggressive interactions in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 71: 37 [pdf]

Taborsky, M. (2016)Taborsky, M. (2016) Cooperative breeding. In: VA Weekes-Shackleford, TK Shackleford (eds) Encyclopaedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer [pdf]

von Kuerthy, C., Ros, A.F., Taborsky, M. (2016): Androgen responses to reproductive competition of males pursuing either fixed or plastic alternative reproductive tactics. J. Exp. Biol. 219: 3544-3553 [pdf]

Schweinfurth, M. and Taborsky, M. (2016): No evidence for audience effects in reciprocal cooperation of Norway rats Ethology 122: 513–521 [pdf]

Dolivo, V., Rutte, C., Taborsky, M. (2016): Ultimate and proximate mechanisms of reciprocal altruism in rats. Learn. Behav. 44(3): 223-226 [pdf]

Groenewoud, F., Frommen, J.G., Josi, D., Tanaka, H., Jungwirth, A. and Taborsky, M. (2016): Predation risk drives social complexity in cooperative breeders. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 113(15): 4104-4019 [pdf]

Engqvist, L. and Taborsky, M. (2016): The evolution of genetic and conditional alternative reproductive tactics. Proc. R. Soc. B. 283:20152945 [pdf]

von Kuerthy, C., Taborsky, M. (2016) Contest versus scramble competition among males pursuing fixed or plastic alternative reproductive tactics. Animal Behaviour 113: 203-212 [pdf]

Taborsky, M. (2016) Cichlid fishes: A model for the integrative study of social behavior. In: Cooperative Breeding in Vertebrates: Studies of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior. Edited by Walter D. Koenig and Janis L. Dickinson; pp. 272-293. Cambridge University Press. [pdf]

Schuetz, D., Wirtz Ocana, S., Maan, M.E., Taborsky, M. (2016): Sexual selection promotes colonial breeding in shell-brooding cichlid fish. Anim. Behav. 112: 153-161. [pdf].

Quiñones, A.E., van Doorn, S., Pen, I., Weissing, F.J., Taborsky, M. (2016) Negotiation and appeasement can be more effective drivers of sociality than kin selection. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B, 371: 20150089. [pdf].

Taborsky, M., Frommen, J.G., Riehl C. (2016) Correlated pay-offs are key to cooperation. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B, 371: 20150084. [pdf].

Taborsky, M., Frommen, J.G., Riehl C. (2016) The evolution of cooperation based on direct fitness benefits. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B, 317: 20150472. [pdf].

Taborsky, M., Taborsky, B. (2015): Evolution of genetic and physiological mechanisms of cooperative behaviour. Curr. Opin. Behav. Sci. 6, 132-138 [pdf]

Jungwirth, A., Taborsky, M. (2015): First- and second-order sociality determine survival and reproduction in cooperative cichlids. Proc. R. Soc. B 282: 20151971[pdf]

Jungwirth, A., Brena, P.F., Keller, I., Taborsky, M. (2015): Polygyny affects paternal care, but not survival, pair stability, and group tenure in a cooperative cichlid. Behav. Ecol. 27: 592-600 [pdf]

Dolivo, V. & Taborsky, M. (2015): Cooperation among Norway rats: The importance of visual cues for reciprocal cooperation, and the role of coercion.Ethology 121(11), 1071 1080[pdf

Hendrickx F., Vanthournout B., Taborsky M. (2015): Selection for costly sexual traits results in a vacant mating niche and male dimorphism. Evolution 69(8), 2105-2117 [pdf]

Jungwirth A., Walker J., Taborsky M. (2015): Prospecting precedes dispersal and increases survival chances in cooperatively breeding cichlids. Anim. Behav. 106: 107-114 [pdf]

von Kuerthy, C., Tschirren, L. & Taborsky, M. (2015): Alternative reproductive tactics in snail shell-brooding cichlids diverge in energy reserve allocation. Ecol. Evol. 5: 2060–2069 [pdf]

Jungwirth, A., Josi, D., Walker, J. & Taborsky, M. (2015): Benefits of coloniality: communal defence saves anti-predator effort in cooperative breeders. Funct. Ecol.29: 1218-1224 [pdf]

Taborsky, M., Hofmann, H.A., Beery, A.K., Blumstein, D.T., Hayes, L.D., Lacey, E.A., Martins, E.P., Phelps, S.M., Solomon, N.G. & Rubenstein, D.R. (2015): Taxon matters: promoting integrative studies of social behavior. Trends in Neurosciences. 38:189-191 [pdf

Dolivo, V. & Taborsky, M. (2015): Norway rats reciprocate help according to the quality of help they received. Biol. Lett. 11:20140959 [pdf

Nuotclà, J.A.,Taborsky, M. & Biedermann, P.H.W. 2014. The importance of blocking the gallery entrance in the ambrosia beetle Xyleborinus saxesenii Ratzeburg (Coleoptera; Scolytinae). Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. Allg. Angew. Ent. 19: 203-207 [pdf]

Mitchell, J.S., Wirtz Ocana, S. & Taborsky, M. (2014): Male and female shell-brooding cichlids prefer different shell characteristics.  Anim. Behav. 98:131-137 [pdf

Wirtz Ocana, S., Meidl, P., Bonfils, D. & Taborsky, M. (2014): Y-linked Mendelian inheritance of giant and dwarf male morphs in shell-brooding cichlids.  Proc. Roy. Soc. B 281: 20140253 [pdf]

Hofmann, H.A., Beery, A.K., Blumstein, D.T., Couzin, I.D., Earley, R.L., Hayes, L.D., Hurd, P.L., Lacey, E.A., Phelps, S.M., Solomon, N.G., Taborsky, M., Young, L.J. & Rubenstein, D.R. (2014): An evolutionary framework for studying mechanisms of social behavior. Trends Ecol. Evol. 29:581-589 [pdf]

Kingma, S.A., Santema, P., Taborsky, M. & Komdeur, J. (2014): Group augmentation and the evolution of cooperation. Trends Ecol. Evol. 29:476-484 [pdf]

Van Doorn GS, Riebli T & Taborky M (2014): Coaction versus reciprocity in continuous-time models of cooperation. J. Theor. Biol. 356: 1-10 [pdf]

Taborsky M (2014): Tribute to Tinbergen: The Four Problems of Biology. A Critical Appraisal. Ethology 120: 224-227 [pdf]

Balzarini, V., Taborsky, M., Wanner, S., Koch, F., & Frommen J.G. (2014): Mirror, mirror on the wall: the predictive value of mirror tests for measuring aggression in fish. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 68:871–878 [pdf]

Taborsky M. (2013): Social evolution: Reciprocity there is. Curr. Biol. 23:R486-R488 [pdf]

Zöttl M., Fischer S., & Taborsky M. (2013): Partial brood care compensation by female breeders in response to experimental manipulation of alloparental care. Anim. Behav. 85:1471-1478 [pdf]

Wirtz-Ocaña S., Schütz D., Pachler G. & Taborsky M. (2013): Paternal inheritance of growth in fish pusuing alternative reproductive tactics. Ecol. Evol. 3:1614–1625 [pdf]

Zöttl M., Frommen J.G. & Taborsky M. (2013): Group size adjustment to ecological demand in a cooperative breeder. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 280:20122772 [pdf]

Zöttl M., Heg D., Chervet N. & Taborsky M. (2013): Kinship reduces alloparental care in cooperative cichlids where helpers pay-to-stay. Nature Commun. 4:1341 [pdf]

Zöttl M., Chapuis L., Freiburghaus M. & Taborsky M. (2013): Strategic reduction of help before dispersal in a cooperative breeder. Biol. Lett. 9:20120878 [pdf]

Biedermann P.H.W., Klepzig K.D., Taborsky M. & Six D.L. (2013): Abundance and dynamics of filamentous fungi in the complex ambrosia gardens of the primitively eusocial beetle Xyleborinus saxesenii Ratzeburg (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae). FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 83:711-723 [pdf, 811 KB]

Taborsky M. (2012): Das Kernproblem der Evolutionstheorie: Kooperation und Altruismus. Evolution wohin? Die Folgen der darwinschen Theorie (Hrsg. M. Dubach) Vdf Hochschulverlag, ETH Zuerich 115-125 [pdf, Link ]

Riebli T., Taborsky M., Chervet N., Apolloni N., Zürcher Y. & Heg D. (2012): Behavioural type, status and social context affect behaviour and resource allocation in cooperatively breeding cichlids. Anim. Behav. 84:925-936 [pdf]

Biedermann P.H.W., Peer K. & Taborsky M. (2012): Female dispersal and reproduction in the ambrosia beetle Xyleborinus saxesenii Ratzeburg (Coleoptera; Scolytinae). Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. allg. angew. Entomol. 18:231-235 [pdf]

Schuetz D., Heg-Bachar Z., Taborsky M. & Heg D. (2012): Spawning coordination of mates in a shell brooding cichlid Int. J. Evol. Biol. ID:517849 [pdf]

Schneeberger K., Dietz M. & Taborsky M. (2012): Reciprocal cooperation between unrelated rats depends on cost to donor and benefit to recipient. BMC Evol. Biol. 12:41 [pdf]

Van Doorn G.S. & Taborsky M. (2012): The evolution of generalized reciprocity on social interaction networks. Evolution 66:651-664 [pdf]

Keller L., Peer K., Bernasconi C., Taborsky M. & Shuker D.M. (2011): Inbreeding and selection on sex ratio in the bark beetle Xylosandrus germanus. BMC Evol. Biol. 11:359 [pdf]

Schütz D. & Taborsky M. (2011): Sexual selection in the water spider: female choice and male-male competition. Ethology 117:1101-1110 [pdf

Bruintjes R., Bonfils D., Heg D. & Taborsky M. (2011): Paternity of subordinates raises cooperative effort in cichlids. PLoS ONE 6:e25673 [pdf]

Biedermann P.H.W. & Taborsky M. (2011): Larval helpers and age polyethism in ambrosia beetles. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108(:17064-17069 [pdf]

Riebli T., Avgan B., Bottini A.M., Duc C., Taborsky M. & Heg D. (2011): Behavioural type affects dominance and growth in staged encounters of cooperatively breeding cichlids. Anim. Behav. 81:313-323 [pdf]

Barta Z., McNamara J.M., Huszár D.B. & Taborsky M. (2011): Cooperation among non-relatives evolves by state-dependent generalized reciprocity. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B. 278:843-848 [pdf]

Lehner S.R., Rutte C. & Taborsky M. (2011): Rats benefit from winner and loser effects. Ethology 117: 1-12. [pdf, 205 KB]

Le Vin A.L., Mable B.K., Taborsky M., Heg D. & Arnold K.E. (2011): Individual variation in helping in a cooperative breeder: relatedness versus behavioural type. Anim. Behav. 82:467-477 [pdf]

Mersmann D., Tomasello M., Call J., Kaminski J. & Taborsky M. (2011): Simple mechanisms can explain social learning in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris). Ethology 117:675-690 [pdf]

Häsler M.P., Lindeyer C.M., Otti O., Bonfils D., Heg D. & Taborsky M. (2011): Female mouthbrooders in control of pre- and postmating sexual selection. Behav. Ecol. 22:1033-1041 [pdf]

Chervet N., Zöttl M., Schürch R., Taborsky M. & Heg D. (2011): Repeatability and heritability of behavioural types in a social cichlid. Int. J. Evol. Biol. ID:321729 [pdf]

Biedermann P.H.W., Klepzig K.D. & Taborsky M. (2011): Costs of delayed dispersal and alloparental care in the fungus-cultivating ambrosia beetle Xyleborus affinis Eichhoff (Scolytinae: Curculionidae). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 65:1753–1761 [pdf]

Abbot P., et al. (2011): Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality. Nature 471:E1-E4 [pdf]

Bruintjes R. & Taborsky M. (2011): Size-dependent task specialization in a cooperative cichlid in response to experimental variation of demand. Anim. Behav. 81:387-394 [pdf]

Taborsky M. (2010): Anonymous (and other) social experience and the evolution of cooperation by reciprocity. In: Social behaviour: genes, ecology and evolution (eds. Szekely T., Moore A.J. & Komdeur J.). Cambridge University Press. 470-473 [link]

Bergmüller R. & Taborsky M. (2010): Animal personality due to social niche specialisation. Trends Ecol. Evol. 25:504-511 [pdf]

Taborsky M. (2010): Ethology in Europe. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, volume 1 (eds. M.D. Breed and J. Moore). Elsevier. 649-651 [pdf]

Taborsky M. & Neat F.C. (2010): Fertilization mode, sperm competition, and cryptic female choice shape primary sexual characters in fish. In: The Evolution of Primary Sexual Characters in Animals (eds. J. Leonard and A. Cordoba-Aguilar). Oxford University Press. 379-408 [link]

Heg D. & Taborsky M. (2010): Helper response to experimentally manipulated predation risk in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher. PLoS ONE 5:e10784 [pdf]

Voigt-Heucke S.L., Taborsky M. & Dechmann D.K.N. (2010): A dual function of echolocation: bats use echolocation calls to identify familiar and unfamiliar individuals. Anim. Behav. 80:59-67 [pdf] Highlighted by Science [pdf]

Schaedelin F.C. & Taborsky M. (2010): Female choice of a non-bodily ornament: an experimental study of cichlid sand craters in Cyathopharynx furcifer. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 64:1437-1447 [pdf]

Bruintjes R., Hekman R. & Taborsky M. (2010): Experimental global food reduction raises resource acquisition costs of brood care helpers and reduces their helping effort. Funct. Ecol. 24:1054-1063 [pdf]

Taborsky M. &Brockmann H.J. (2010): Alternative reproductive tactics and life history phenotypes. In: Animal Behaviour: Evolution and Mechanisms (Ed. P. Kappeler). Springer, Berlin. 537-586 [pdf, link to the book.]

Schütz D., Pachler G., Ripmeester E., Goffinet O. & Taborsky M. (2010): Reproductive investment of giants and dwarfs: specialized tactics in a cichlid fish with alternative male morphs. Funct. Ecol. 24:131-140 [pdf]

Taborsky M. (2010): Sample size in the study of behaviour. Ethology 116:185–202 [pdf]

Haesler M.P., Lindeyer C.M. & Taborsky M. (2009): Reproductive parasitism: male and female responses to conspecific and heterospecific intrusions at spawning in a mouth-brooding cichlid Ophthalmotilapia ventralis. J. Fish Biol. 75:1845–1856 [pdf]

Mitchell J.S., Jutzeler E., Heg D. & Taborsky M. (2009): Gender differences in the costs that subordinate group members impose on dominant males in a cooperative breeder. Ethology 115:1162-1174 [pdf]

Mitchell J.S., Jutzeler E., Heg D. & Taborsky M. (2009): Dominant members of cooperatively-breeding groups adjust their behaviour in response to the sexes of subordinates. Behaviour 146:1665-1686 [pdf]

Taborsky M (2009): Reproductive skew in cooperative fish groups: virtue and limitations of alternative modeling approaches. In: Reproductive Skew in Vertebrates: Proximate and Ultimate Causes (eds. Hager R & Jones CB). Cambridge University Press. 265-304 [pdf]

Biedermann P.H.W., Klepzig K.R. & Taborsky M. (2009): Fungus cultivation by ambrosia beetles: Behavior and laboratory breeding success in three Xyleborine species. Environ. Entomol. 38:1096-1105 [pdf]

Schaedelin F.C. & Taborsky M. (2009): Extended phenotypes as signals. Biological Reviews  84:293–313 [pdf]

Immler S. & Taborsky M. (2009): Sequential polyandry affords post-mating sexual selection in the mouths of cichlid females. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 63:1219-1230 [pdf]

Taborsky B., Guyer L. & Taborsky M. (2009): Size-assortative mating in the absence of mate choice. Anim. Behav. 77:439–448 [pdf]

Rankin D.J. & Taborsky M. (2009): Assortment and the evolution of generalized reciprocity. Evolution 63:1913-1922 [pdf]

Taborsky M. (2009): Biased citation practice and taxonomic parochialism. Ethology 115:105–111 [pdf]

Bender N., Taborsky M., & Power D.M. (2008): The role of prolactin in the regulation of brood care in the cooperatively breeding fish Neolamprologus pulcher. J. Exp. Zool. 309A:515–524 [pdf]

Hirschenhauser K., Canario A.V.M., Ros A.F.H., Taborsky M. & Oliveira R.F. (2008): Social context may affect urinary excretion of 11-ketotestosterone in African cichlids. Behaviour 145:1367-1388 [pdf]

Bruintjes R. & Taborsky M. (2008): Helpers in a cooperative breeder pay a high price to stay: effects of demand, helper size and sex. Anim. Behav. 75:1843-1850 [pdf]

Hochberg M.E., Rankin D.J. & Taborsky M. (2008): The coevolution of cooperation and dispersal in social groups and its implications for the emergence of multicellularity. BMC Evol. Biol. 8:238 [pdf]

Heg D., Heg-Bachar Z., Brouwer L. & Taborsky M. (2008): Experimentally induced helper dispersal in colonially breeding cooperative cichlids. Environ. Biol. Fish. 83:191-206 [pdf]

Dierkes P., Taborsky M. & Achmann R. (2008): Multiple paternity in the cooperatively breeding fish Neolamprologus pulcher. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 62:1581–1589 [pdf]

Maan M.E. & Taborsky M. (2008): Sexual conflict over breeding substrate causes female expulsion and offspring loss in a cichlid fish. Behav. Ecol. 19:302-308 [pdf]

Bender N., Heg-Bachar Z., Oliveira R.F., Canario A.V.M., & Michael Taborsky (2008): Hormonal control of brood care and social status in a cichlid fish with brood care helpers. Physiol. Behav. 94:349-358 [pdf]

Oliveira R., Taborsky M. & Brockmann H.J. (2008): "Alternative Reproductive Tactics: An Integrative Approach". Cambridge University Press. 507pp. [pdf, link]

Taborsky M., Oliviera R.F. & Brockmann H.J. (2008): The evolution of alternative reproductive tactics: concepts and questions. In: Alternative Reproductive Tactics: An Integrative Approach (eds. Oliveira R., Taborsky M. & Brockmann H.J.). Cambridge University Press. 1-21 [pdf]

Brockmann H.J. & Taborsky M. (2008): Alternative reproductive tactics and the evolution of alternative allocation phenotypes. In: Alternative Reproductive Tactics: An Integrative Approach (eds. Oliveira R., Taborsky M. & Brockmann H.J.). Cambridge University Press. 25-51 [pdf]

Taborsky M. (2008): Alternative reproductive tactics in fish. In: Alternative Reproductive Tactics: An Integrative Approach (eds. Oliveira R., Taborsky M. & Brockmann H.J.). Cambridge University Press. 251-299 [pdf]

Brockmann H.J., Oliveira R.F., & Taborsky M. (2008): Integrating mechanisms and function:prospects for future research. In: Alternative Reproductive Tactics: An Integrative Approach (eds. Oliveira R., Taborsky M. & Brockmann H.J.). Cambridge University Press. 471-489 [pdf]

Taborsky M. (2008): The use of theory in behavioural research. Ethology 114:1-6 [pdf]

Moksnes A., Roskaft E., Rudolfsen G., Skjelseth S., Stokke B.G., Kleven O., Gibbs H.L., Honza M., Taborsky B., Teuschl Y., Vogl W. & Taborsky M. (2008): Individual female common cuckoos Cuculus canorus lay constant egg types but egg appearance cannot be used to assign eggs to females. J. Avian Biol. 39:238-241 [pdf]

Rutte C. & Taborsky M. (2008): The influence of social experience on cooperative behaviour of rats (Rattus norvegicus): direct vs generalised reciprocity. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 62:499–505 [pdf]

Duftner N., Sefc K.M., Koblmüller S., Salzburger W., Taborsky M. & Sturmbauer C. (2007): Parallel evolution of facial stripe patterns in the Neolamprologus brichardi/pulcher species complex endemic to Lake Tanganyika. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 45:706-715 [pdf]

Taborsky M. (2007): Cooperation built the Tower of Babel. Behav. Process. 76:95-99 [pdf]

Schütz D., Taborsky M. & Drapela T. (2007): Air bells of water spiders are an extended phenotype modified in response to gas composition. J. Exp. Zool. 307A:549-555 [pdf]

Rutte C. & Taborsky M. (2007): Generalized reciprocity in rats. PLoS Biol. 5:1421-1425 [pdf]

Taborsky M. (2007): Impact factor statistics and publication practice: What can we learn? Ethology 113:1-8 [pdf]

Bergmueller R. & Taborsky M. (2007): Adaptive behavioural syndromes due to strategic niche specialization. BMC Ecol. 7:12 [pdf]

Peer K. & Taborsky M. (2007): Delayed dispersal as a potential route to cooperative breeding in ambrosia beetles. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 61:729-730 [pdf]

Schütz D., Parker G.A., Taborsky M. & Sato T. (2006): An optimality approach to male and female body sizes in an extremely size-dimorphic cichlid fish. Evol. Ecol. Res. 8:1393-1408. [pdf]

Heg D., Bergmüller R., Bonfils D., Otti O., Bachar Z., Burri R., Heckel G. & Taborsky M. (2006): Cichlids do not adjust reproductive skew to the availability of independent breeding options. Behav.l Ecol. 17:419-429 [pdf]

Bender N., Heg D., Hamilton I.M., Bachar Z., Taborsky M. & Oliveira R.F. (2006): The relationship between social status, behaviour, growth and steroids in male helpers and breeders of a cooperatively breeding cichlid. Horm. Behav. 50:173-182 [pdf]

Taborsky M. (2006): Ethology into a new era. Ethology 112:1-6 [pdf]

Schaedelin F.C. & Taborsky M. (2006): Mating craters of Cyathopharynx furcifer (Cichlidae) are individually specific, extended phenotypes. Anim. Behav. 72:753-761 [pdf]

Rutte C., Taborsky M. & Brinkhof M.W.G. (2006): What sets the odds of winning and losing? Trends Ecol. Evol. 21:16-21 [pdf]

Taborsky M. (2006): Of gulls, geese and two men. (Book review) Trends Ecol. Evol. 21:119-120 [pdf]

Hamilton I.M., Haesler M.P. & Taborsky M. (2006): Predators, reproductive parasites, and the persistence of poor males on leks. Behav. Ecol. 17:97-107 [pdf]

Hamilton I.M. & Taborsky M. (2005): Contingent movement and cooperation evolve under generalized reciprocity. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 272:2259-2267 [pdf]

Dierkes P., Heg D., Taborsky M., Skubic E., & Achmann R. (2005): Genetic relatedness in groups is sex-specific and declines with age of helpers in a cooperatively breeding cichlid. Ecol. Lett. 8:968-975 [pdf]

Heg D., Bachar Z. & Taborsky M. (2005): Cooperative breeding and group structure in the Lake Tanganyika cichlid Neolamprologus savoryi. Ethology 111:1017-1043 [pdf]

Stiver K.A., Dierkes P., Taborsky M., Gibbs H.L. & Balshine S. (2005): Relatedness and helping in fish: examining the theoretical predictions. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 272:1593-1599 [pdf, Appendix: pdf]

Schütz D. & Taborsky M. (2005): The influence of sexual selection and ecological constraints on an extreme sexual size dimorphism in a cichlid. Anim. Behav. 70:539-549 [pdf]

Pfeiffer T., Rutte C., Killingback T., Taborsky M., & Bonhoeffer S. (2005): Evolution of cooperation by generalized reciprocity. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 272:1115-1120 [pdf]

Brouwer L., Heg D. & Taborsky M. (2005): Experimental evidence for helper effects in a cooperatively breeding cichlid. Behav. Ecol. 16:667-673 [pdf]

Peer K. & Taborsky M. (2005): Outbreeding depression, but no inbreeding depression in haplodiploid ambrosia beetles with regular sibling mating. Evolution 59:317-323 [pdf]

Heg D., Brouwer L., Bachar Z. & Taborsky M. (2005): Large group size yields group stability in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher. Behaviour 142:1615-1641 [pdf]

Bergmüller R., Heg D. Peer K. & Taborsky M. (2005): Extended safe havens and between-group dispersal of helpers in a cooperatively breeding cichlid. Behaviour 142:1643-1667 [pdf]

Hamilton I.M. & Taborsky M. (2005): Unrelated helpers will not fully compensate for costs imposed on breeders when they pay to stay. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 272:445-454 [pdf, Appendix: pdf]

Bergmüller R., Heg D. & Taborsky M. (2005): Helpers in a cooperatively breeding cichlid stay and pay or disperse and breed, depending on ecological constraints. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 272:325-331 [pdf]

Bergmüller R. & Taborsky M. (2005): Experimental manipulation of helping in a cooperative breeder: helpers 'pay to stay' by pre-emptive appeasement. Anim. Behav. 69:19-28 [pdf]

Schütz D. & Taborsky M. (2005): Mate choice and sexual conflict in the size dimorphic water spider, Argyroneta aquatica (Araneae: Argyronetidae). J. Arachnology 33:767-775 [pdf]

Stiver K.A., Dierkes P., Taborsky M. & Balshine, S. (2004): Dispersal patterns and status change in a co-operatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher: evidence from microsatellite analyses and behavioural observations. J. Fish Biol. 65:91-105 [pdf]

Heg D., Bachar Z., Brouwer L. & Taborsky M. (2004): Predation risk is an ecological constraint for helper dispersal in a cooperatively breeding cichlid. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 271:2367-2374 [pdf]

Hirschenhauser K., Taborsky M., Oliveira T., Canario A.V.M. & Oliveira R. F. (2004): A test of the 'challenge hypothesis' in cichlid fish: simulated partner and territory intruder experiments. Anim. Behav. 68:741-750 [pdf]

Peer K. & Taborsky M. (2004): Female ambrosia beetles adjust their offspring sex ratio according to outbreeding opportunities for their sons. J. Evol. Biol. 17:257-264 [pdf]

Sato T., Hirose M., Taborsky M. & Kimura S. (2004): Size-dependent male alternative reproductive tactics in the shell-brooding cichlid fish Lamprologus callipterus in Lake Tanganyika. Ethology 110:49-62 [pdf]

Skjelseth S., Moksnes A., Roskaft E., Gibbs H.L., Taborsky M., Taborsky B., Honza M. & Kleven, O. (2004): Parentage and host in the common cockoo Cuculus canorus. J. Avian Biol. 35:21-24 [pdf]

Skubic E., Taborsky M. , McNamara J.M. & Houston A.I. (2004): When to parasitize? A dynamic optimization model of reproductive strategies in a cooperative breeder. J. Theor. Biol. 227:487-501 [pdf]

Tebbich S., Taborsky M., Fessl B., Dvorak M. & Winkler H. (2004): Feeding behavior of four arboreal Darwin's finches: Adaptations to spatial and seasonal variability. Condor 106:95-105 [pdf]

Vogl W., Taborsky B., Taborsky M., Teuschl, Y. & Honza M. (2004): Habitat and space use of European cuckoo females during the egg laying period. Behaviour 141:881-898 [pdf]

Honza M., Taborsky B., Taborsky M., Teuschl Y., Vogl W., Moksnes A. & Roskaft E. (2003): Behaviour of female common cuckoos, Cuculus canorus, in the vicinity of host nests before and during egg laying: a radiotelemetry study. Anim. Behav. 65:1057-1057 [pdf]

Oliveira, R.F., Hirschenhauser, K., Canario, A.V.M. & Taborsky, M. (2003): Androgen levels of reproductive competitors in a co-operatively breeding cichlid. J. Fish Biol. 63:1615-1620 [pdf]

Schütz D., Taborsky M. (2003): Adaptations to an aquatic life may be responsible for the reversed sexual size dimorphism in the water spider, Argyroneta aquatica. Evol. Ecol. Res. 5:105-117 [pdf]

Honza M., Taborsky B., Taborsky M., Teuschl Y., Vogl W., Moksnes A. & Roskaft E. (2002): Behaviour of female common cuckoos, Cuculus canorus, in the vicinity of host nests before and during egg laying: a radiotelemetry study. Anim. Behav. 64:861-868 [pdf]

Vogl W., Taborsky M., Taborsky B., Teuschl Y. & Honza M. (2002): Cuckoo females preferentially use specific habitats when searching for host nests. Anim. Behav. 64:843-850 [pdf]

Tebbich S., Taborsky M., Fessl B. & Dvorak M. (2002): The ecology of tool-use in the woodpecker finch (Cactospiza callida): Ecol. Lett. 5:656-664 [pdf]

Schöfl G. & Taborsky M. (2002): Prolonged tandem formation in fire bugs (Pyrrhocoris apterus) serves mate guarding, Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 52:426-433 [pdf]

Huber, L., Rechberger, S. & Taborsky, M. (2001): Social learning affects object exploration and manipulation in keas, Nestor notabilis. Anim. Behav. 62:945-954 [pdf]

Tebbich S., Taborsky M., Blomqvist D. & Fessl B. (2001): Do woodpecker finches acquire tool use by social learning? Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 268:2189-2193 [pdf]

Taborsky, M. (2001): The evolution of bourgeois, parasitic and cooperative reproductive behaviors in fishes. J. Hered. 92:100-110 [pdf]

Balshine S., Leach B., Neat F., Reid H.,Taborsky M. & Werner, N. (2001): Correlates of group size in a cooperatively breeding cichlid Fish. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 50:134-140 [pdf]

Schütz D. & Taborsky M. (2000): Giant males or dwarf females: what determines the extreme sexual size dimorphism in Lamprologus callipterus? J. Fish Biol. 57:1254-1265 [pdf]

Alonzo S.H., Taborsky M. & Wirtz P. (2000): Male alternative reproductive behaviors in a mediterranean wrasse, Symphodus occellatus: Evidence from otoliths for multiple life-history pathways. Evol. Ecol. Res. 2:997-1007 [pdf]

Dierkes P., Taborsky M. & Kohler U. (1999): Reproductive parasitism of broodcare helpers in a cooperatively breeding fish. Behav. Ecol. 10:510-515 [pdf]

Taborsky B. & Taborsky M. (1999): The mating system and stability of pairs in kiwi Apteryx spp. J. Avian Biol. 30143-151 [pdf]

Teuschl Y., Taborsky B. & Taborsky M. (1998): How do cuckoos find their hosts? The role of habitat imprinting. Anim. Behav. 56:1425-1433 [pdf]

Balshine-Earn S., Neat F.C., Reid H. & Taborsky M. (1998): Paying to stay or paying to breed? Field evidence for direct benefits of helping behavior in a cooperatively breeding fish. Behav. Ecol. 9:432-438 [pdf]

Taborsky M. & Grantner A. (1998): Behavioural time-energy budgets of cooperatively breeding Neolamprologus pulcher (Pisces: Cichlidae). Anim. Behav. 56:1375-1382 [pdf]

Grantner A. & Taborsky M. (1998): The metabolic rates associated with resting, and with the performance of agonistic, submissive and digging behaviours in the cichlid fish Neolamprologus pulcher (Pisces: Cichlidae). J. Comp. Physiol. B 168:427-433 [pdf]

Taborsky M. (1998): Sperm competition in fish: 'Bourgeois' males and parasitic spawning. Trends Ecol. Evol. 13:222-227 [pdf]

Martin E. & Taborsky M. (1997): Alternative male mating tactics in a cichlid, Pelviachromis pulcher: A comparison of reproductive effort and success. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 41:311-319 [pdf]

Taborsky M. (1997): Bourgeois and parasitic tactics: Do we need collective, functional terms for alternative reproductive behaviours? Behav. Ecol Sociobiol 41:361-362 [pdf]

Taborsky M. & Taborsky B.(eds.; 1997): Advances in Ethology (32) - Contributions to the XXV International Ethological Conference. Supplement to Ethology, 328 pp. [kein PDF vorhanden]

Tebbich S., Taborsky M. & Winkler H. (1996): Social Manipulation as a Cause for Cooperation in Keas. Anim. Behav. 52, 1-10. [pdf, 129 KB]

Carbone C. & Taborsky M. (1996): Mate Choice or Grouping Behavior? A Question of Female Control on the Lek. Behav. Ecol. 7, 370-378. [pdf, 478 KB]

Taborsky B. & Taborsky M. (1995): Habitat Use and Selectivity of Brown Kiwi (Apteryx australis mantelli) in a Patchy Environment. The Auk 112, 680-689. [kein PDF vorhanden]

Brugger C. & Taborsky M. (1994): Male Incubation and Its Effect on Breeding Success in the Black Swan. Ethology 96/2, 138-146. [kein PDF vorhanden]

Taborsky M. (1994): Sneakers, Satellites and Helpers: Parasitic and Cooperative Behaviour in Fish Reproduction. Adv. Stud. Behav. 23: 1-100. [pdf, 4.1 MB]

Dittami J., Bock, W., Taborsky, M., Millesi, E. (eds. 1994): Research Notes on Avian Biology. (A selection of contributions to the 21st International Ornithological Congress): J. Ornithol. (Suppl.), 279 pp. [kein PDF vorhanden]

Taborsky M. & Taborsky B. (1993): Kooperation und Helfen bei Fischen. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften 6/42, 26-29. [kein PDF vorhanden]

Taborsky M. & Taborsky B. (1993): The kiwi's parental burden. Nat. Hist. 102, 50-57. [kein PDF vorhanden]

Ten Cate, C. & Taborsky, M. (1992): To Raise or to Abandon a Reduced Clutch: Reproductive Decisions by Ring Doves (Streptopelia risoria). Auk 109, 594-600. [kein PDF vorhanden]

Taborsky B & Taborsky, M. (1992): Spatial Organization of North Island Brown Kiwi: Sex, Pairing Status and Territoriality. Ibis 134: 1-10. [kein PDF vorhanden]

Zoufal R. & Taborsky, M. (1991): Fish foraging periodicity correlates with daily changes of diet quality. Mar. Biol. 108, 193-196. [pdf]

Taborsky B. & Taborsky, M. (1991): Social Organization of North Island Brown Kiwi: Long-term Pairs and Three Types of Male Spacing Behaviour. Ethology 89, 47-62. [pdf]

Taborsky M. (1988): Kiwis and Dog Predation: Observations in Waitangi State Forest. Notornis 35, 197-203. [pdf, 1.21 MB]

Taborsky M., Hudde, B. & Wirtz, P. (1987): Reproductive Behaviour and Ecology of Symphodus (Crenilabrus) ocellatus, a European Wrasse with Four Types of Male Behaviour. Behaviour 102, 82-118. [pdf]

Taborsky M., (1987): Cooperative behaviour in fish: Coalitions, kin groups and reciprocity. In: "Animal Societies: Theories and Facts" (eds.: Y. It?, J.L. Brown & I. Kikkawa) Japan Scientific Society Press, Tokyo, 229-237. [pdf]

Taborsky, M., Hert, E., von Siemens, M., Stoerig, P. (1986): Social behaviour of Lamprologus species: Functions and mechanisms. Ann. Kon. Mus. Mid. Afr., Zool. Wetensch., 251, 7-11 [pdf]

Taborsky M. (1985): On optimal parental care. Z. Tierpsychol. 70, 331-336. [pdf]

Taborsky M. (1985): Breeder - helper conflict in a cichlid fish with broodcare helpers: an experimental analysis. Behavior 95, 45-75. [pdf]

Taborsky M. (1984): Broodcare helpers in the cichlid fish Lamprologus brichardi : their Costs and Benefits. Anim. Behav. 32, 1236-1252. [pdf]

Taborsky M. & Limberger D. (1981): Helpers in fish. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 8, 143-145. [pdf]

Taborsky M. & Limberger D. (1980): The activity rhythm of Blennius sanguinolentus Pallas*, an adaptation to its food source? Mar. Ecol. 1, 143-153. [pdf]