>225 publications in peer reviewed scientific journals and books; 6 authored and edited books and special journal issues
Google Scholar Profile
Josi, D., Heg, D., Takeyama, T., Bonfils, D., Konovalov, D.A., Frommen, J.G., Kohda, M., Taborsky, M. (2021). Age- and sex-dependent variation in relatedness corresponds to reproductive skew, territory inheritance, and workload in cooperatively breeding cichlids. Evolution (2021) [PDF]
Josi, D., Flury J.M., Reyes-Contreras, M., Tanaka, H., Taborsky, M., Frommen, J.G. (2021). Sex-specific routes to independent breeding in a polygynous cooperative breeder. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9:750483 [PDF]
Paulsson, N.I., Taborsky, M. (2021). Reaching out for inaccessible food is a potential begging signal in cooperating wild-type Norway rats, Rattus norvegicus. Front. Psychol. 12:712333 [link] [PDF]
Freudiger, A., Josi, D., Thünken, T., Herder, F., Flury, J.M., Marques, D.A., Taborsky, M., Frommen, J.G. (2021). Ecological variation drives morphological differentiation in a highly social vertebrate. Functional Ecology 2021, 1-16 [PDF]
Nuotclà, J. A., Diehl, J.M.C, Taborsky,M. (2021). Habitat quality determines dispersal decisions and fitness in a beetle – fungus mutualism. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9: 232 [PDF]
Kettler, N., Schweinfurth, M. K., Taborsky, M. (2021). Rats show direct reciprocity when interacting with multiple partners. Scientific Reports 11: 3228 [PDF]
Taborsky, M., Cant, M.A., Komdeur, J. (2021). The Evolution of Social Behaviour. Cambridge University Press [link]
Jordan, L.A., Taborsky, B., Taborsky, M. (2021). Cichlids as a model system for studying social behaviour and evolution. In: “The Behavior, Ecology and Evolution of Cichlid Fishes: A Contemporary Modern Synthesis”. Springer Academic (in press) [link] [PDF]
Gerber, N., Schweinfurth, M. K., Taborsky, M. (2020). The smell of cooperation: rats increase helpful behaviour when receiving odour cues of a conspecific performing a cooperative task. Proc. Roy. Soc. B 287: 20202327 [PDF]
Josi, D., Freudiger, A., Taborsky, M., Frommen, J.G. 2020. Experimental predator intrusions in a cooperative breeder reveal threat-dependent task partitioning. Behav.Ecol. 1-10. doi:10.1093/beheco/araa094 [PDF]
Naef, J. Taborsky, M. 2020. Punishment controls helper defence against egg predators but not fish predators in cooperatively breeding cichlids. Animal Behaviour 168:137-147 [PDF]
Durrer, L., Taborsky, M., Frommen, J. G. 2020. Group-sized preferences in a shoaling cichlid. Behaviour 157:415-431 [PDF]
Schneeberger, K., Röder, G., Taborsky, M. 2020. The smell of hunger: Norway rats provision social partners based on odour cues of need. PLoS Biol 18(3): e3000628 [PDF]
Naef, J., Taborsky, M. 2020. Commodity-specific punishment for experimentally induced defection in cooperatively breeding fish. R. Soc. Open Sci. 7: 191808 [PDF] [Featured in "The Economist"]
Josi, D., Taborsky, M., Frommen, J.G. 2020. Investment of group members is contingent on helper number and the presence of young in a cooperative breeder. Anim. Behav. 160: 35-42. [PDF]
Schneeberger, K., Taborsky, M. 2020. The role of sensory ecology and cognition in social decisions: Costs of acquiring information matter. Funct. Ecol. 34: 302-309 [PDF]
Engelhardt, S.C., Taborsky, M. 2020. Broad definitions of enforcement are unhelpful for understanding evolutionary mechanisms of cooperation. Nat. Ecol. Evol. 4(3) 322-322 [PDF]
Taborsky, M., Riebli, T. (2020). Coaction vs. Reciprocal cooperation among unrelated individuals in social cichlids. Front. Ecol. Evol. 7: 515. [PDF]
Schweinfurth, M.K., Taborsky, M. (2020). Rats play tit-for-tat instead of integrating social experience over multiple interactions. Proc. R. Soc. B 287: 20192423. [PDF] [UniBe press release]
For pdf-files of publications before 2020 please click this link (webarchive)
Nuotclà, J. A., Biedermann P. H. W., Taborsky, M. (2019) Pathogen defence is a potential driver of social evolution in ambrosia beetles. Proc. R. Soc. B 286: 20192332 [pdf] [UniBe press release] [PNAS Selected highlight]
Range F., Kassis A., Taborsky M., Boada M. & Marshall-Pescini S. (2019) Wolves and dogs recruit human partners in the cooperative stringpulling task. Sci. Rep. 9: 17591 [pdf]
Taborsky M., Koblmüller S., Sefc K.M., McGee M., Kohda M., Awata S., Hori M. & Frommen J.G. (2019) Insufficient data render comparative analyses of the evolution of cooperative breeding mere speculation: A reply to Dey et al. Ethology 125: 851-854 [pdf]
Schweinfurth, M.K., Aeschbacher, J., Santi, M. & Taborsky, M. (2019). Male Norway rats cooperate according to direct but not generalized reciprocity rules. Anim. Behav. 152: 93-101 [pdf]
Jungwirth A., Balzarini V., Zöttl M., Salzmann A., Taborsky M. & Frommen J.G. (2019) Long-term individual marking of small freshwater fish: the utility of Visual Implant Elastomer tags. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 73: 49 [pdf]/li>
Taborsky, M. (2019) From Ethology to Behavioral Biology. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. 99-102 [pdf]
Gfrerer, N., Taborsky, M. & Würbel, H. (2019) No evidence for detrimental effect of chemical castration on working ability in Swiss military dogs. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 211: 84-87. [pdf]
Josi D., Taborsky M. & Frommen J.G. (2019) First field evidence for alloparental egg care in cooperatively breeding fish. Ethology 125: 164-169 [pdf]
Josi D., Taborsky M. & Frommen J.G. (2018) Habitat preferences depend on substrate quality in a cooperative breeder. Evol. Ecol. Res. 19: 517-527 [pdf]
Engelhardt, S.C., Kingma, S.A., Taborsky, M. (2018) No evidence for a heritable altruism polymorphism in Tibetan ground tits. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 115: E11208-E11209 [pdf]
Tanaka H., Frommen J.G., Koblmüller S., Sefc K.M., McGee M., Kohda M., Awata S., Hori M. & Taborsky M. (2018) Evolutionary transitions to cooperative societies in fishes revisited. Ethology 124: 777–789. [pdf]
Taborsky, M., Schütz, D., Goffinet, O. & van Doorn, G.S (2018) Alternative male morphs solve sperm performance/longevity trade-off in opposite directions. Sci. Adv. 4(5) eaap8563 [pdf] Schweinfurth M.K. & Taborsky M. (2018) Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) communicate need which elicits donation of food. J. Comp. Psychol. 132, 119–129 [pdf] [Featured article of the Month]
Gfrerer, N. &Taborsky, M. (2018) Working dogs transfer different tasks in reciprocal cooperation. Biol. Lett. 14(2), 20170460 [pdf] [Highlighted by PNAS, pdf]
Schweinfurth M.K. & Taborsky M. (2018) Relatedness decreases and reciprocity increases cooperation in Norway rats. Proc. R. Soc. B 285: 20180035 [pdf]
Schweinfurth, M.K. & Taborsky, M., (2018) Reciprocal trading of different commodities in Norway rats. Curr. Biol. 28, 594–599[pdf]
Stieger, B., Schweinfurth, M.K. & Taborsky, M. (2017): Reciprocal allogrooming among unrelated Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) is affected by previously received cooperative, affiliative and aggressive behaviours. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol., 71(12),182 [pdf]
Gfrerer, N., Taborsky, M. and Würbel, H. (2017) Benefits of intraspecific social exposure in adult Swiss military dogs. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci.201,54-60 [pdf]
Schweinfurth, M.K., Taborsky, M. (2017): The transfer of alternative tasks in reciprocal cooperation. Anim. Behav. 131: 35-41 [pdf]
Schmid, R., Schneeberger, K., Taborsky, M. (2017): Feel good, do good? Disentangling reciprocity from unconditional prosociality. Ethology: 123(9), 640-647 [pdf]
Schweinfurth, M. K., Stieger, B. Taborsky, M. (2017): Experimental evidence for reciprocity in allogrooming among wild-type Norway rats. Sci. Rep. 7: 4010 [pdf]
Schweinfurth, M. K., Neuenschwander, J., Engqvist, L., Schneeberger, K., Rentsch, A. K., Gygax, M., Taborsky, M. (2017): Do female Norway rats form social bonds? Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 71: 98 [pdf]
Dolivo, V., Taborsky, M. (2017): Environmental enrichment of young adult rats (Rattus norvegicus) in different sensory modalities has long-lasting effects on their ability to learn via specific sensory channels. J. Comp. Psychol. 131(2), 79 [pdf]
Engqvist, L., Taborsky, M. (2017): The evolution of strategic male mating effort in an information transfer framework. J. Evol. Biol. 30(6), 1143-1152 [pdf]
Gfrerer, N., Taborsky, M. (2017): Working dogs cooperate among one another by generalised reciprocity. Sci. Rep. 7: 43867 [pdf]
Schütz, D., Tschirren, L., Pachler, G., Grubbauer, P., Taborsky, M. (2017): Sperm-limited males save ejaculates for future matings when competing with superior rivals. Anim. Behav. 125: 3-12 [pdf]
Balzarini, V., Taborsky, M., Villa F., Frommen J.G. (2017): Computer animations of color markings reveal the function of visual threat signals in Neolamprologus pulcher. Curr. Zool. 63: 45–54 [pdf]
Bayani, D.-M., Taborsky, M., Frommen, J.G. (2017): To pee or not to pee: urine signals mediate aggressive interactions in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 71: 37 [pdf]
Taborsky, M. (2016)Taborsky, M. (2016) Cooperative breeding. In: VA Weekes-Shackleford, TK Shackleford (eds) Encyclopaedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer [pdf]
von Kuerthy, C., Ros, A.F., Taborsky, M. (2016): Androgen responses to reproductive competition of males pursuing either fixed or plastic alternative reproductive tactics. J. Exp. Biol. 219: 3544-3553 [pdf]
Schweinfurth, M. and Taborsky, M. (2016): No evidence for audience effects in reciprocal cooperation of Norway rats Ethology 122: 513–521 [pdf]
Dolivo, V., Rutte, C., Taborsky, M. (2016): Ultimate and proximate mechanisms of reciprocal altruism in rats. Learn. Behav. 44(3): 223-226 [pdf]
Groenewoud, F., Frommen, J.G., Josi, D., Tanaka, H., Jungwirth, A. and Taborsky, M. (2016): Predation risk drives social complexity in cooperative breeders. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 113(15): 4104-4019 [pdf]
Engqvist, L. and Taborsky, M. (2016): The evolution of genetic and conditional alternative reproductive tactics. Proc. R. Soc. B. 283:20152945 [pdf]
von Kuerthy, C., Taborsky, M. (2016) Contest versus scramble competition among males pursuing fixed or plastic alternative reproductive tactics. Animal Behaviour 113: 203-212 [pdf]
Taborsky, M. (2016) Cichlid fishes: A model for the integrative study of social behavior. In: Cooperative Breeding in Vertebrates: Studies of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior. Edited by Walter D. Koenig and Janis L. Dickinson; pp. 272-293. Cambridge University Press. [pdf]
Schuetz, D., Wirtz Ocana, S., Maan, M.E., Taborsky, M. (2016): Sexual selection promotes colonial breeding in shell-brooding cichlid fish. Anim. Behav. 112: 153-161. [pdf].
Quiñones, A.E., van Doorn, S., Pen, I., Weissing, F.J., Taborsky, M. (2016) Negotiation and appeasement can be more effective drivers of sociality than kin selection. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B, 371: 20150089. [pdf].
Taborsky, M., Frommen, J.G., Riehl C. (2016) Correlated pay-offs are key to cooperation. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B, 371: 20150084. [pdf].
Taborsky, M., Frommen, J.G., Riehl C. (2016) The evolution of cooperation based on direct fitness benefits. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B, 317: 20150472. [pdf].
Taborsky, M., Taborsky, B. (2015): Evolution of genetic and physiological mechanisms of cooperative behaviour. Curr. Opin. Behav. Sci. 6, 132-138 [pdf]
Jungwirth, A., Taborsky, M. (2015): First- and second-order sociality determine survival and reproduction in cooperative cichlids. Proc. R. Soc. B 282: 20151971[pdf]
Jungwirth, A., Brena, P.F., Keller, I., Taborsky, M. (2015): Polygyny affects paternal care, but not survival, pair stability, and group tenure in a cooperative cichlid. Behav. Ecol. 27: 592-600 [pdf]
Dolivo, V. & Taborsky, M. (2015): Cooperation among Norway rats: The importance of visual cues for reciprocal cooperation, and the role of coercion.Ethology 121(11), 1071 1080[pdf]
Hendrickx F., Vanthournout B., Taborsky M. (2015): Selection for costly sexual traits results in a vacant mating niche and male dimorphism. Evolution 69(8), 2105-2117 [pdf]
Jungwirth A., Walker J., Taborsky M. (2015): Prospecting precedes dispersal and increases survival chances in cooperatively breeding cichlids. Anim. Behav. 106: 107-114 [pdf]
von Kuerthy, C., Tschirren, L. & Taborsky, M. (2015): Alternative reproductive tactics in snail shell-brooding cichlids diverge in energy reserve allocation. Ecol. Evol. 5: 2060–2069 [pdf]
Jungwirth, A., Josi, D., Walker, J. & Taborsky, M. (2015): Benefits of coloniality: communal defence saves anti-predator effort in cooperative breeders. Funct. Ecol.29: 1218-1224 [pdf]
Taborsky, M., Hofmann, H.A., Beery, A.K., Blumstein, D.T., Hayes, L.D., Lacey, E.A., Martins, E.P., Phelps, S.M., Solomon, N.G. & Rubenstein, D.R. (2015): Taxon matters: promoting integrative studies of social behavior. Trends in Neurosciences. 38:189-191 [pdf]
Dolivo, V. & Taborsky, M. (2015): Norway rats reciprocate help according to the quality of help they received. Biol. Lett. 11:20140959 [pdf]
Nuotclà, J.A.,Taborsky, M. & Biedermann, P.H.W. 2014. The importance of blocking the gallery entrance in the ambrosia beetle Xyleborinus saxesenii Ratzeburg (Coleoptera; Scolytinae). Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. Allg. Angew. Ent. 19: 203-207 [pdf]
Mitchell, J.S., Wirtz Ocana, S. & Taborsky, M. (2014): Male and female shell-brooding cichlids prefer different shell characteristics. Anim. Behav. 98:131-137 [pdf]
Wirtz Ocana, S., Meidl, P., Bonfils, D. & Taborsky, M. (2014): Y-linked Mendelian inheritance of giant and dwarf male morphs in shell-brooding cichlids. Proc. Roy. Soc. B 281: 20140253 [pdf]
Hofmann, H.A., Beery, A.K., Blumstein, D.T., Couzin, I.D., Earley, R.L., Hayes, L.D., Hurd, P.L., Lacey, E.A., Phelps, S.M., Solomon, N.G., Taborsky, M., Young, L.J. & Rubenstein, D.R. (2014): An evolutionary framework for studying mechanisms of social behavior. Trends Ecol. Evol. 29:581-589 [pdf]
Kingma, S.A., Santema, P., Taborsky, M. & Komdeur, J. (2014): Group augmentation and the evolution of cooperation. Trends Ecol. Evol. 29:476-484 [pdf]
Van Doorn GS, Riebli T & Taborky M (2014): Coaction versus reciprocity in continuous-time models of cooperation. J. Theor. Biol. 356: 1-10 [pdf]
Taborsky M (2014): Tribute to Tinbergen: The Four Problems of Biology. A Critical Appraisal. Ethology 120: 224-227 [pdf]
Balzarini, V., Taborsky, M., Wanner, S., Koch, F., & Frommen J.G. (2014): Mirror, mirror on the wall: the predictive value of mirror tests for measuring aggression in fish. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 68:871–878 [pdf]
Taborsky M. (2013): Social evolution: Reciprocity there is. Curr. Biol. 23:R486-R488 [pdf]
Zöttl M., Fischer S., & Taborsky M. (2013): Partial brood care compensation by female breeders in response to experimental manipulation of alloparental care. Anim. Behav. 85:1471-1478 [pdf]
Wirtz-Ocaña S., Schütz D., Pachler G. & Taborsky M. (2013): Paternal inheritance of growth in fish pusuing alternative reproductive tactics. Ecol. Evol. 3:1614–1625 [pdf]
Zöttl M., Frommen J.G. & Taborsky M. (2013): Group size adjustment to ecological demand in a cooperative breeder. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 280:20122772 [pdf]
Zöttl M., Heg D., Chervet N. & Taborsky M. (2013): Kinship reduces alloparental care in cooperative cichlids where helpers pay-to-stay. Nature Commun. 4:1341 [pdf]
Zöttl M., Chapuis L., Freiburghaus M. & Taborsky M. (2013): Strategic reduction of help before dispersal in a cooperative breeder. Biol. Lett. 9:20120878 [pdf]
Biedermann P.H.W., Klepzig K.D., Taborsky M. & Six D.L. (2013): Abundance and dynamics of filamentous fungi in the complex ambrosia gardens of the primitively eusocial beetle Xyleborinus saxesenii Ratzeburg (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae). FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 83:711-723 [pdf, 811 KB]
Taborsky M. (2012): Das Kernproblem der Evolutionstheorie: Kooperation und Altruismus. Evolution wohin? Die Folgen der darwinschen Theorie (Hrsg. M. Dubach) Vdf Hochschulverlag, ETH Zuerich 115-125 [pdf, Link ]
Riebli T., Taborsky M., Chervet N., Apolloni N., Zürcher Y. & Heg D. (2012): Behavioural type, status and social context affect behaviour and resource allocation in cooperatively breeding cichlids. Anim. Behav. 84:925-936 [pdf]
Biedermann P.H.W., Peer K. & Taborsky M. (2012): Female dispersal and reproduction in the ambrosia beetle Xyleborinus saxesenii Ratzeburg (Coleoptera; Scolytinae). Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. allg. angew. Entomol. 18:231-235 [pdf]
Schuetz D., Heg-Bachar Z., Taborsky M. & Heg D. (2012): Spawning coordination of mates in a shell brooding cichlid Int. J. Evol. Biol. ID:517849 [pdf]
Schneeberger K., Dietz M. & Taborsky M. (2012): Reciprocal cooperation between unrelated rats depends on cost to donor and benefit to recipient. BMC Evol. Biol. 12:41 [pdf]
Van Doorn G.S. & Taborsky M. (2012): The evolution of generalized reciprocity on social interaction networks. Evolution 66:651-664 [pdf]
Keller L., Peer K., Bernasconi C., Taborsky M. & Shuker D.M. (2011): Inbreeding and selection on sex ratio in the bark beetle Xylosandrus germanus. BMC Evol. Biol. 11:359 [pdf]
Schütz D. & Taborsky M. (2011): Sexual selection in the water spider: female choice and male-male competition. Ethology 117:1101-1110 [pdf]
Bruintjes R., Bonfils D., Heg D. & Taborsky M. (2011): Paternity of subordinates raises cooperative effort in cichlids. PLoS ONE 6:e25673 [pdf]
Biedermann P.H.W. & Taborsky M. (2011): Larval helpers and age polyethism in ambrosia beetles. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108(:17064-17069 [pdf]
Riebli T., Avgan B., Bottini A.M., Duc C., Taborsky M. & Heg D. (2011): Behavioural type affects dominance and growth in staged encounters of cooperatively breeding cichlids. Anim. Behav. 81:313-323 [pdf]
Barta Z., McNamara J.M., Huszár D.B. & Taborsky M. (2011): Cooperation among non-relatives evolves by state-dependent generalized reciprocity. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B. 278:843-848 [pdf]
Lehner S.R., Rutte C. & Taborsky M. (2011): Rats benefit from winner and loser effects. Ethology 117: 1-12. [pdf, 205 KB]
Le Vin A.L., Mable B.K., Taborsky M., Heg D. & Arnold K.E. (2011): Individual variation in helping in a cooperative breeder: relatedness versus behavioural type. Anim. Behav. 82:467-477 [pdf]
Mersmann D., Tomasello M., Call J., Kaminski J. & Taborsky M. (2011): Simple mechanisms can explain social learning in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris). Ethology 117:675-690 [pdf]
Häsler M.P., Lindeyer C.M., Otti O., Bonfils D., Heg D. & Taborsky M. (2011): Female mouthbrooders in control of pre- and postmating sexual selection. Behav. Ecol. 22:1033-1041 [pdf]
Chervet N., Zöttl M., Schürch R., Taborsky M. & Heg D. (2011): Repeatability and heritability of behavioural types in a social cichlid. Int. J. Evol. Biol. ID:321729 [pdf]
Biedermann P.H.W., Klepzig K.D. & Taborsky M. (2011): Costs of delayed dispersal and alloparental care in the fungus-cultivating ambrosia beetle Xyleborus affinis Eichhoff (Scolytinae: Curculionidae). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 65:1753–1761 [pdf]
Abbot P., et al. (2011): Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality. Nature 471:E1-E4 [pdf]
Bruintjes R. & Taborsky M. (2011): Size-dependent task specialization in a cooperative cichlid in response to experimental variation of demand. Anim. Behav. 81:387-394 [pdf]
Taborsky M. (2010): Anonymous (and other) social experience and the evolution of cooperation by reciprocity. In: Social behaviour: genes, ecology and evolution (eds. Szekely T., Moore A.J. & Komdeur J.). Cambridge University Press. 470-473 [link]
Bergmüller R. & Taborsky M. (2010): Animal personality due to social niche specialisation. Trends Ecol. Evol. 25:504-511 [pdf]
Taborsky M. (2010): Ethology in Europe. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, volume 1 (eds. M.D. Breed and J. Moore). Elsevier. 649-651 [pdf]
Taborsky M. & Neat F.C. (2010): Fertilization mode, sperm competition, and cryptic female choice shape primary sexual characters in fish. In: The Evolution of Primary Sexual Characters in Animals (eds. J. Leonard and A. Cordoba-Aguilar). Oxford University Press. 379-408 [link]
Heg D. & Taborsky M. (2010): Helper response to experimentally manipulated predation risk in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher. PLoS ONE 5:e10784 [pdf]
Voigt-Heucke S.L., Taborsky M. & Dechmann D.K.N. (2010): A dual function of echolocation: bats use echolocation calls to identify familiar and unfamiliar individuals. Anim. Behav. 80:59-67 [pdf] Highlighted by Science [pdf]
Schaedelin F.C. & Taborsky M. (2010): Female choice of a non-bodily ornament: an experimental study of cichlid sand craters in Cyathopharynx furcifer. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 64:1437-1447 [pdf]
Bruintjes R., Hekman R. & Taborsky M. (2010): Experimental global food reduction raises resource acquisition costs of brood care helpers and reduces their helping effort. Funct. Ecol. 24:1054-1063 [pdf]
Taborsky M. &Brockmann H.J. (2010): Alternative reproductive tactics and life history phenotypes. In: Animal Behaviour: Evolution and Mechanisms (Ed. P. Kappeler). Springer, Berlin. 537-586 [pdf, link to the book.]
Schütz D., Pachler G., Ripmeester E., Goffinet O. & Taborsky M. (2010): Reproductive investment of giants and dwarfs: specialized tactics in a cichlid fish with alternative male morphs. Funct. Ecol. 24:131-140 [pdf]
Taborsky M. (2010): Sample size in the study of behaviour. Ethology 116:185–202 [pdf]
Haesler M.P., Lindeyer C.M. & Taborsky M. (2009): Reproductive parasitism: male and female responses to conspecific and heterospecific intrusions at spawning in a mouth-brooding cichlid Ophthalmotilapia ventralis. J. Fish Biol. 75:1845–1856 [pdf]
Mitchell J.S., Jutzeler E., Heg D. & Taborsky M. (2009): Gender differences in the costs that subordinate group members impose on dominant males in a cooperative breeder. Ethology 115:1162-1174 [pdf]
Mitchell J.S., Jutzeler E., Heg D. & Taborsky M. (2009): Dominant members of cooperatively-breeding groups adjust their behaviour in response to the sexes of subordinates. Behaviour 146:1665-1686 [pdf]
Taborsky M (2009): Reproductive skew in cooperative fish groups: virtue and limitations of alternative modeling approaches. In: Reproductive Skew in Vertebrates: Proximate and Ultimate Causes (eds. Hager R & Jones CB). Cambridge University Press. 265-304 [pdf]
Biedermann P.H.W., Klepzig K.R. & Taborsky M. (2009): Fungus cultivation by ambrosia beetles: Behavior and laboratory breeding success in three Xyleborine species. Environ. Entomol. 38:1096-1105 [pdf]
Schaedelin F.C. & Taborsky M. (2009): Extended phenotypes as signals. Biological Reviews 84:293–313 [pdf]
Immler S. & Taborsky M. (2009): Sequential polyandry affords post-mating sexual selection in the mouths of cichlid females. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 63:1219-1230 [pdf]
Taborsky B., Guyer L. & Taborsky M. (2009): Size-assortative mating in the absence of mate choice. Anim. Behav. 77:439–448 [pdf]
Rankin D.J. & Taborsky M. (2009): Assortment and the evolution of generalized reciprocity. Evolution 63:1913-1922 [pdf]
Taborsky M. (2009): Biased citation practice and taxonomic parochialism. Ethology 115:105–111 [pdf]
Bender N., Taborsky M., & Power D.M. (2008): The role of prolactin in the regulation of brood care in the cooperatively breeding fish Neolamprologus pulcher. J. Exp. Zool. 309A:515–524 [pdf]
Hirschenhauser K., Canario A.V.M., Ros A.F.H., Taborsky M. & Oliveira R.F. (2008): Social context may affect urinary excretion of 11-ketotestosterone in African cichlids. Behaviour 145:1367-1388 [pdf]
Bruintjes R. & Taborsky M. (2008): Helpers in a cooperative breeder pay a high price to stay: effects of demand, helper size and sex. Anim. Behav. 75:1843-1850 [pdf]
Hochberg M.E., Rankin D.J. & Taborsky M. (2008): The coevolution of cooperation and dispersal in social groups and its implications for the emergence of multicellularity. BMC Evol. Biol. 8:238 [pdf]
Heg D., Heg-Bachar Z., Brouwer L. & Taborsky M. (2008): Experimentally induced helper dispersal in colonially breeding cooperative cichlids. Environ. Biol. Fish. 83:191-206 [pdf]
Dierkes P., Taborsky M. & Achmann R. (2008): Multiple paternity in the cooperatively breeding fish Neolamprologus pulcher. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 62:1581–1589 [pdf]
Maan M.E. & Taborsky M. (2008): Sexual conflict over breeding substrate causes female expulsion and offspring loss in a cichlid fish. Behav. Ecol. 19:302-308 [pdf]
Bender N., Heg-Bachar Z., Oliveira R.F., Canario A.V.M., & Michael Taborsky (2008): Hormonal control of brood care and social status in a cichlid fish with brood care helpers. Physiol. Behav. 94:349-358 [pdf]
Oliveira R., Taborsky M. & Brockmann H.J. (2008): "Alternative Reproductive Tactics: An Integrative Approach". Cambridge University Press. 507pp. [pdf, link]
Taborsky M., Oliviera R.F. & Brockmann H.J. (2008): The evolution of alternative reproductive tactics: concepts and questions. In: Alternative Reproductive Tactics: An Integrative Approach (eds. Oliveira R., Taborsky M. & Brockmann H.J.). Cambridge University Press. 1-21 [pdf]
Brockmann H.J. & Taborsky M. (2008): Alternative reproductive tactics and the evolution of alternative allocation phenotypes. In: Alternative Reproductive Tactics: An Integrative Approach (eds. Oliveira R., Taborsky M. & Brockmann H.J.). Cambridge University Press. 25-51 [pdf]
Taborsky M. (2008): Alternative reproductive tactics in fish. In: Alternative Reproductive Tactics: An Integrative Approach (eds. Oliveira R., Taborsky M. & Brockmann H.J.). Cambridge University Press. 251-299 [pdf]
Brockmann H.J., Oliveira R.F., & Taborsky M. (2008): Integrating mechanisms and function:prospects for future research. In: Alternative Reproductive Tactics: An Integrative Approach (eds. Oliveira R., Taborsky M. & Brockmann H.J.). Cambridge University Press. 471-489 [pdf]
Taborsky M. (2008): The use of theory in behavioural research. Ethology 114:1-6 [pdf]
Moksnes A., Roskaft E., Rudolfsen G., Skjelseth S., Stokke B.G., Kleven O., Gibbs H.L., Honza M., Taborsky B., Teuschl Y., Vogl W. & Taborsky M. (2008): Individual female common cuckoos Cuculus canorus lay constant egg types but egg appearance cannot be used to assign eggs to females. J. Avian Biol. 39:238-241 [pdf]
Rutte C. & Taborsky M. (2008): The influence of social experience on cooperative behaviour of rats (Rattus norvegicus): direct vs generalised reciprocity. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 62:499–505 [pdf]
Duftner N., Sefc K.M., Koblmüller S., Salzburger W., Taborsky M. & Sturmbauer C. (2007): Parallel evolution of facial stripe patterns in the Neolamprologus brichardi/pulcher species complex endemic to Lake Tanganyika. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 45:706-715 [pdf]
Taborsky M. (2007): Cooperation built the Tower of Babel. Behav. Process. 76:95-99 [pdf]
Schütz D., Taborsky M. & Drapela T. (2007): Air bells of water spiders are an extended phenotype modified in response to gas composition. J. Exp. Zool. 307A:549-555 [pdf]
Rutte C. & Taborsky M. (2007): Generalized reciprocity in rats. PLoS Biol. 5:1421-1425 [pdf]
Taborsky M. (2007): Impact factor statistics and publication practice: What can we learn? Ethology 113:1-8 [pdf]
Bergmueller R. & Taborsky M. (2007): Adaptive behavioural syndromes due to strategic niche specialization. BMC Ecol. 7:12 [pdf]
Peer K. & Taborsky M. (2007): Delayed dispersal as a potential route to cooperative breeding in ambrosia beetles. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 61:729-730 [pdf]
Schütz D., Parker G.A., Taborsky M. & Sato T. (2006): An optimality approach to male and female body sizes in an extremely size-dimorphic cichlid fish. Evol. Ecol. Res. 8:1393-1408. [pdf]
Heg D., Bergmüller R., Bonfils D., Otti O., Bachar Z., Burri R., Heckel G. & Taborsky M. (2006): Cichlids do not adjust reproductive skew to the availability of independent breeding options. Behav.l Ecol. 17:419-429 [pdf]
Bender N., Heg D., Hamilton I.M., Bachar Z., Taborsky M. & Oliveira R.F. (2006): The relationship between social status, behaviour, growth and steroids in male helpers and breeders of a cooperatively breeding cichlid. Horm. Behav. 50:173-182 [pdf]
Taborsky M. (2006): Ethology into a new era. Ethology 112:1-6 [pdf]
Schaedelin F.C. & Taborsky M. (2006): Mating craters of Cyathopharynx furcifer (Cichlidae) are individually specific, extended phenotypes. Anim. Behav. 72:753-761 [pdf]
Rutte C., Taborsky M. & Brinkhof M.W.G. (2006): What sets the odds of winning and losing? Trends Ecol. Evol. 21:16-21 [pdf]
Taborsky M. (2006): Of gulls, geese and two men. (Book review) Trends Ecol. Evol. 21:119-120 [pdf]
Hamilton I.M., Haesler M.P. & Taborsky M. (2006): Predators, reproductive parasites, and the persistence of poor males on leks. Behav. Ecol. 17:97-107 [pdf]
Hamilton I.M. & Taborsky M. (2005): Contingent movement and cooperation evolve under generalized reciprocity. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 272:2259-2267 [pdf]
Dierkes P., Heg D., Taborsky M., Skubic E., & Achmann R. (2005): Genetic relatedness in groups is sex-specific and declines with age of helpers in a cooperatively breeding cichlid. Ecol. Lett. 8:968-975 [pdf]
Heg D., Bachar Z. & Taborsky M. (2005): Cooperative breeding and group structure in the Lake Tanganyika cichlid Neolamprologus savoryi. Ethology 111:1017-1043 [pdf]
Stiver K.A., Dierkes P., Taborsky M., Gibbs H.L. & Balshine S. (2005): Relatedness and helping in fish: examining the theoretical predictions. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 272:1593-1599 [pdf, Appendix: pdf]
Schütz D. & Taborsky M. (2005): The influence of sexual selection and ecological constraints on an extreme sexual size dimorphism in a cichlid. Anim. Behav. 70:539-549 [pdf]
Pfeiffer T., Rutte C., Killingback T., Taborsky M., & Bonhoeffer S. (2005): Evolution of cooperation by generalized reciprocity. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 272:1115-1120 [pdf]
Brouwer L., Heg D. & Taborsky M. (2005): Experimental evidence for helper effects in a cooperatively breeding cichlid. Behav. Ecol. 16:667-673 [pdf]
Peer K. & Taborsky M. (2005): Outbreeding depression, but no inbreeding depression in haplodiploid ambrosia beetles with regular sibling mating. Evolution 59:317-323 [pdf]
Heg D., Brouwer L., Bachar Z. & Taborsky M. (2005): Large group size yields group stability in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher. Behaviour 142:1615-1641 [pdf]
Bergmüller R., Heg D. Peer K. & Taborsky M. (2005): Extended safe havens and between-group dispersal of helpers in a cooperatively breeding cichlid. Behaviour 142:1643-1667 [pdf]
Hamilton I.M. & Taborsky M. (2005): Unrelated helpers will not fully compensate for costs imposed on breeders when they pay to stay. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 272:445-454 [pdf, Appendix: pdf]
Bergmüller R., Heg D. & Taborsky M. (2005): Helpers in a cooperatively breeding cichlid stay and pay or disperse and breed, depending on ecological constraints. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 272:325-331 [pdf]
Bergmüller R. & Taborsky M. (2005): Experimental manipulation of helping in a cooperative breeder: helpers 'pay to stay' by pre-emptive appeasement. Anim. Behav. 69:19-28 [pdf]
Schütz D. & Taborsky M. (2005): Mate choice and sexual conflict in the size dimorphic water spider, Argyroneta aquatica (Araneae: Argyronetidae). J. Arachnology 33:767-775 [pdf]
Stiver K.A., Dierkes P., Taborsky M. & Balshine, S. (2004): Dispersal patterns and status change in a co-operatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher: evidence from microsatellite analyses and behavioural observations. J. Fish Biol. 65:91-105 [pdf]
Heg D., Bachar Z., Brouwer L. & Taborsky M. (2004): Predation risk is an ecological constraint for helper dispersal in a cooperatively breeding cichlid. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 271:2367-2374 [pdf]
Hirschenhauser K., Taborsky M., Oliveira T., Canario A.V.M. & Oliveira R. F. (2004): A test of the 'challenge hypothesis' in cichlid fish: simulated partner and territory intruder experiments. Anim. Behav. 68:741-750 [pdf]
Peer K. & Taborsky M. (2004): Female ambrosia beetles adjust their offspring sex ratio according to outbreeding opportunities for their sons. J. Evol. Biol. 17:257-264 [pdf]
Sato T., Hirose M., Taborsky M. & Kimura S. (2004): Size-dependent male alternative reproductive tactics in the shell-brooding cichlid fish Lamprologus callipterus in Lake Tanganyika. Ethology 110:49-62 [pdf]
Skjelseth S., Moksnes A., Roskaft E., Gibbs H.L., Taborsky M., Taborsky B., Honza M. & Kleven, O. (2004): Parentage and host in the common cockoo Cuculus canorus. J. Avian Biol. 35:21-24 [pdf]
Skubic E., Taborsky M. , McNamara J.M. & Houston A.I. (2004): When to parasitize? A dynamic optimization model of reproductive strategies in a cooperative breeder. J. Theor. Biol. 227:487-501 [pdf]
Tebbich S., Taborsky M., Fessl B., Dvorak M. & Winkler H. (2004): Feeding behavior of four arboreal Darwin's finches: Adaptations to spatial and seasonal variability. Condor 106:95-105 [pdf]
Vogl W., Taborsky B., Taborsky M., Teuschl, Y. & Honza M. (2004): Habitat and space use of European cuckoo females during the egg laying period. Behaviour 141:881-898 [pdf]
Honza M., Taborsky B., Taborsky M., Teuschl Y., Vogl W., Moksnes A. & Roskaft E. (2003): Behaviour of female common cuckoos, Cuculus canorus, in the vicinity of host nests before and during egg laying: a radiotelemetry study. Anim. Behav. 65:1057-1057 [pdf]
Oliveira, R.F., Hirschenhauser, K., Canario, A.V.M. & Taborsky, M. (2003): Androgen levels of reproductive competitors in a co-operatively breeding cichlid. J. Fish Biol. 63:1615-1620 [pdf]
Schütz D., Taborsky M. (2003): Adaptations to an aquatic life may be responsible for the reversed sexual size dimorphism in the water spider, Argyroneta aquatica. Evol. Ecol. Res. 5:105-117 [pdf]
Honza M., Taborsky B., Taborsky M., Teuschl Y., Vogl W., Moksnes A. & Roskaft E. (2002): Behaviour of female common cuckoos, Cuculus canorus, in the vicinity of host nests before and during egg laying: a radiotelemetry study. Anim. Behav. 64:861-868 [pdf]
Vogl W., Taborsky M., Taborsky B., Teuschl Y. & Honza M. (2002): Cuckoo females preferentially use specific habitats when searching for host nests. Anim. Behav. 64:843-850 [pdf]
Tebbich S., Taborsky M., Fessl B. & Dvorak M. (2002): The ecology of tool-use in the woodpecker finch (Cactospiza callida): Ecol. Lett. 5:656-664 [pdf]
Schöfl G. & Taborsky M. (2002): Prolonged tandem formation in fire bugs (Pyrrhocoris apterus) serves mate guarding, Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 52:426-433 [pdf]
Huber, L., Rechberger, S. & Taborsky, M. (2001): Social learning affects object exploration and manipulation in keas, Nestor notabilis. Anim. Behav. 62:945-954 [pdf]
Tebbich S., Taborsky M., Blomqvist D. & Fessl B. (2001): Do woodpecker finches acquire tool use by social learning? Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 268:2189-2193 [pdf]
Taborsky, M. (2001): The evolution of bourgeois, parasitic and cooperative reproductive behaviors in fishes. J. Hered. 92:100-110 [pdf]
Balshine S., Leach B., Neat F., Reid H.,Taborsky M. & Werner, N. (2001): Correlates of group size in a cooperatively breeding cichlid Fish. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 50:134-140 [pdf]
Schütz D. & Taborsky M. (2000): Giant males or dwarf females: what determines the extreme sexual size dimorphism in Lamprologus callipterus? J. Fish Biol. 57:1254-1265 [pdf]
Alonzo S.H., Taborsky M. & Wirtz P. (2000): Male alternative reproductive behaviors in a mediterranean wrasse, Symphodus occellatus: Evidence from otoliths for multiple life-history pathways. Evol. Ecol. Res. 2:997-1007 [pdf]
Dierkes P., Taborsky M. & Kohler U. (1999): Reproductive parasitism of broodcare helpers in a cooperatively breeding fish. Behav. Ecol. 10:510-515 [pdf]
Taborsky B. & Taborsky M. (1999): The mating system and stability of pairs in kiwi Apteryx spp. J. Avian Biol. 30143-151 [pdf]
Teuschl Y., Taborsky B. & Taborsky M. (1998): How do cuckoos find their hosts? The role of habitat imprinting. Anim. Behav. 56:1425-1433 [pdf]
Balshine-Earn S., Neat F.C., Reid H. & Taborsky M. (1998): Paying to stay or paying to breed? Field evidence for direct benefits of helping behavior in a cooperatively breeding fish. Behav. Ecol. 9:432-438 [pdf]
Taborsky M. & Grantner A. (1998): Behavioural time-energy budgets of cooperatively breeding Neolamprologus pulcher (Pisces: Cichlidae). Anim. Behav. 56:1375-1382 [pdf]
Grantner A. & Taborsky M. (1998): The metabolic rates associated with resting, and with the performance of agonistic, submissive and digging behaviours in the cichlid fish Neolamprologus pulcher (Pisces: Cichlidae). J. Comp. Physiol. B 168:427-433 [pdf]
Taborsky M. (1998): Sperm competition in fish: 'Bourgeois' males and parasitic spawning. Trends Ecol. Evol. 13:222-227 [pdf]
Martin E. & Taborsky M. (1997): Alternative male mating tactics in a cichlid, Pelviachromis pulcher: A comparison of reproductive effort and success. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 41:311-319 [pdf]
Taborsky M. (1997): Bourgeois and parasitic tactics: Do we need collective, functional terms for alternative reproductive behaviours? Behav. Ecol Sociobiol 41:361-362 [pdf]
Taborsky M. & Taborsky B.(eds.; 1997): Advances in Ethology (32) - Contributions to the XXV International Ethological Conference. Supplement to Ethology, 328 pp. [kein PDF vorhanden]
Tebbich S., Taborsky M. & Winkler H. (1996): Social Manipulation as a Cause for Cooperation in Keas. Anim. Behav. 52, 1-10. [pdf, 129 KB]
Carbone C. & Taborsky M. (1996): Mate Choice or Grouping Behavior? A Question of Female Control on the Lek. Behav. Ecol. 7, 370-378. [pdf, 478 KB]
Taborsky B. & Taborsky M. (1995): Habitat Use and Selectivity of Brown Kiwi (Apteryx australis mantelli) in a Patchy Environment. The Auk 112, 680-689. [kein PDF vorhanden]
Brugger C. & Taborsky M. (1994): Male Incubation and Its Effect on Breeding Success in the Black Swan. Ethology 96/2, 138-146. [kein PDF vorhanden]
Taborsky M. (1994): Sneakers, Satellites and Helpers: Parasitic and Cooperative Behaviour in Fish Reproduction. Adv. Stud. Behav. 23: 1-100. [pdf, 4.1 MB]
Dittami J., Bock, W., Taborsky, M., Millesi, E. (eds. 1994): Research Notes on Avian Biology. (A selection of contributions to the 21st International Ornithological Congress): J. Ornithol. (Suppl.), 279 pp. [kein PDF vorhanden]
Taborsky M. & Taborsky B. (1993): Kooperation und Helfen bei Fischen. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften 6/42, 26-29. [kein PDF vorhanden]
Taborsky M. & Taborsky B. (1993): The kiwi's parental burden. Nat. Hist. 102, 50-57. [kein PDF vorhanden]
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Taborsky B & Taborsky, M. (1992): Spatial Organization of North Island Brown Kiwi: Sex, Pairing Status and Territoriality. Ibis 134: 1-10. [kein PDF vorhanden]
Zoufal R. & Taborsky, M. (1991): Fish foraging periodicity correlates with daily changes of diet quality. Mar. Biol. 108, 193-196. [pdf]
Taborsky B. & Taborsky, M. (1991): Social Organization of North Island Brown Kiwi: Long-term Pairs and Three Types of Male Spacing Behaviour. Ethology 89, 47-62. [pdf]
Taborsky M. (1988): Kiwis and Dog Predation: Observations in Waitangi State Forest. Notornis 35, 197-203. [pdf, 1.21 MB]
Taborsky M., Hudde, B. & Wirtz, P. (1987): Reproductive Behaviour and Ecology of Symphodus (Crenilabrus) ocellatus, a European Wrasse with Four Types of Male Behaviour. Behaviour 102, 82-118. [pdf]
Taborsky M., (1987): Cooperative behaviour in fish: Coalitions, kin groups and reciprocity. In: "Animal Societies: Theories and Facts" (eds.: Y. It?, J.L. Brown & I. Kikkawa) Japan Scientific Society Press, Tokyo, 229-237. [pdf]
Taborsky, M., Hert, E., von Siemens, M., Stoerig, P. (1986): Social behaviour of Lamprologus species: Functions and mechanisms. Ann. Kon. Mus. Mid. Afr., Zool. Wetensch., 251, 7-11 [pdf]
Taborsky M. (1985): On optimal parental care. Z. Tierpsychol. 70, 331-336. [pdf]
Taborsky M. (1985): Breeder - helper conflict in a cichlid fish with broodcare helpers: an experimental analysis. Behavior 95, 45-75. [pdf]
Taborsky M. (1984): Broodcare helpers in the cichlid fish Lamprologus brichardi : their Costs and Benefits. Anim. Behav. 32, 1236-1252. [pdf]
Taborsky M. & Limberger D. (1981): Helpers in fish. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 8, 143-145. [pdf]
Taborsky M. & Limberger D. (1980): The activity rhythm of Blennius sanguinolentus Pallas*, an adaptation to its food source? Mar. Ecol. 1, 143-153. [pdf]